Congregational Discoveries
Through a 2022 congregational survey and discussion process we have discovered that what we love most about our community is our sense of caring for one another and our support of and acceptance of each of us, "as we are". We like our traditional worship service and particularly our choral music. Yet, we've become aware that some of our congregational members are eager to explore a bit of variety in the worship service and music. We are not eager to change and yet we know we need to stop focusing on the past. We are welcoming and believe that ours is a community of faith where others would find a home if they only knew about us.
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Alyssa Bell
Alyssa has been an ordained Presbyterian pastor for over 8 years and is delighted to join the Emmanuel family. In addition to pastoring, she is an adjunct instructor for the School of Continuing Studies at Whitworth University, as well as a certified spiritual director. Alyssa completed her MDiv at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 2011 and her DMin in Leadership and Spiritual Formation at Portland Seminary in 2021. Alyssa and her husband Matthew have two daughters and a spirited golden retriever. For fun, she loves working on puzzles, reading, resting with her family and going on long walks.
Contact:509-655-4279 | pastor@emmanuelpres-spokane.org
Office Hours: Tuesdays 9-noon (except 2nd Tuesdays)Thursdays 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Days off: Saturdays and Monday mornings
Contact:509-655-4279 | pastor@emmanuelpres-spokane.org
Office Hours: Tuesdays 9-noon (except 2nd Tuesdays)Thursdays 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Days off: Saturdays and Monday mornings
Clerk of Session: Lorelee Bauer
Choir Director: Kelly Evanson
Kelly creatively leads our choral music program, which is vital to the life of Emmanuel.
Musician: Pam Rossing
Pam is our talented musician on piano and the organ.
Office Adinistrator: Jill Walters
Jill handles the routine administrative and communication work for Emmanuel.